SiX National Conference 2024
strong>International 8 Breakout [clear filter]
Thursday, December 12

10:30am PST

We Know What We Need: Centering Community Solutions in Maternal Health Care Policy and Infrastructure
Thursday December 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am PST
Systemic patterns of oppression have ensured that Black people, people of color, Indigenous people, people with low incomes, young people, people in rural areas and gender-expansive people have less access to, and lower quality of, health care in the U.S. This reality is starkly illustrated by the ongoing maternal mortality and morbidity crisis, particularly for Black and Indigenous birthing people. Workforce shortages and hospital closures further limit access to maternal health care at the same time as restrictions on reproductive health increase risks to pregnant people. Birth centers, midwives, and doulas have proven solutions to respond to the needs of pregnant people in their communities—both rural and urban—to improve quality of care and outcomes, but often face barriers at the state level to implementing them. Panelists will provide key insights on the historical and current landscape of maternal health, case studies from a regionally diverse set of states, and concrete strategies for state legislators to meet this moment.
Thursday December 12, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am PST
International 8 Breakout

12:00pm PST

Running a Black Maternal Health Caucus in Your State
Thursday December 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PST
Three state legislatures—Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania—currently have Black Maternal Health caucuses. These caucuses are designed to address the glaring disparities in maternal health, morbidity, and mortality for Black pregnant and birthing people through community- and evidence-informed policymaking. State legislative leaders from the Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania Black Maternal Health caucuses will engage in a guided conversation. They will share best practices for organizing and leading a Black Maternal Health caucus. They will discuss the impact caucus organizing can have on short and long-term goals to end preventable maternal deaths. This is an opportunity for state legislators to build connections for introducing Black Maternal Health policies, forming a Black Maternal Health caucus, and continuing the work of a Black Maternal Health caucus.
Thursday December 12, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PST
International 8 Breakout

1:15pm PST

Care as Public Good: Building a Care Economy that Empowers Working Families
Thursday December 12, 2024 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
Care work impacts every single person in all stages of our lives. Whether it’s child care, health care, elder care, care for persons with disabilities, or sick and paid leave, care is essential to our irresistible futures. The care economy is also rapidly growing, but it is historically gendered, racialized, and increasingly at risk of consolidated corporate control. Corporate-run care prioritizes shareholder profits over the well-being of care workers and those receiving care, and leverages corporate lobbying power to undermine our organizing and maximize profits. In fact, many of the workers providing care for our loved ones are overworked, underpaid, and unable to provide care for their own families. But state legislators and caregivers across the country are challenging corporate power and building economies that value care not as a product, but as a public good. From paid family medical leave, to public retirement and child care, to workers rights, this workshop centers the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of state leaders across the country challenging corporate power and building care economies that create good jobs, advance equity, and empower people. 
Thursday December 12, 2024 1:15pm - 2:30pm PST
International 8 Breakout

2:45pm PST

Defending Democracy Against Abusive Preemptions & Restoring Local Power
Thursday December 12, 2024 2:45pm - 4:00pm PST
From death star preemptions, to removing democratically-elected officials, state takeovers of local jurisdictions, and banning local innovations on every policy issue under the sun—guaranteed income, fair wages, education, climate and conservation, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, community IDs, animal rights, and housing—extremists and corporations are leveraging abusive preemptions laws to centralize their control of our communities and maintain structural disparities based on race, gender, and class. These efforts are not new.They are tactics used by corporations like Big Tobacco for decades, rooted in Jim Crow era practices to undercut Black leadership. How can legislators, local electeds, and impacted communities organize collaboratively to fight back and restore local power? What solutions do we have to curtail the rampant abuse of preemption? From repealing abusive preemptions to strengthening home rule in our state constitutions, learn from national experts, legislators, and organizers on the latest efforts to restore local power to the people.
Thursday December 12, 2024 2:45pm - 4:00pm PST
International 8 Breakout
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